3 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Tortugas Marinas Retoman Territorios Perdidos en su Lucha Contra el Hombre

Por Orlando Jiménez, Biólogo. Fotos porJames Tracy. El pasado 28 y 29 de diciembre fui testigo de unos de los eventos más bonitos y conmovedores que cualquier ser humano, con un poco de amor por la vida, puede experimentar. Me encontraba en La Playita, si la pequeña playa que existe al final de la Playa Espadilla Sur, en Manuel Antonio de Quepos, como a eso de las ocho de la mañana, cuando un señor vecino, de entrada edad, se acercó a mi y me contó que a mediados de octubre hab'a visto salir a tres tortugas marinas, que por su descripción me parecieron ser tortugas verdes. Alrededor del tema empezamos a conversar y yo le expliqué un poco de la vida de estos reptiles y de la importancia de conservar sus áreas de anidamiento, pues todas las especies de tortugas marinas se encuentran en serio peligro de extinción debido a la explotación humana indiscriminada o a la destrucción de su hábitat por parte de los muchos malos desarrollos tur'sticos que no respetan a la vida silvestre. El señor segu'a interesado en el tema e inclusive me llevó a donde el cre'a se encontraban los nidos. Por la fecha que el me dio inicialmente, dedujimos que las tortuguitas o hab'an nacido unos d'as antes, o se encontraban por nacer. Escarbamos en la arena donde el me indicó, mas sin embargo no encontramos ni restos nacidos, ni evidencia alguna de ellos. Dedujimos que ya hab'an nacido y se encontraban a salvo del hombre en el mar. Seguimos conversando por un rato más sobre lo mismo, luego me dirig' a una sombra de almendro a instalarme para descansar y leer un rato. Como a eso de las 2 p.m. sent' por un momento que me observan, por lo que dejé mi lectura y observé, sin saber el porqué de mi presentimiento, a la arena. Cuál fue mi sorpresa cuando vi una cabecita de tortuguita observándome y tratando de salir de la arena a unos 20 cent'metros de donde me encontraba. Ante tal evento empecé a gritar de alegr'a a los cuatro vientos que estaban naciendo tortuguitas en la playa. En pocos segundos todos las turistas se encontraban asombrados mirando aquella maravilla de la madre naturaleza y se preguntaba qué podr'an hacer para ponerlas a las salvo en el mar. La gente quer'a excavar el nido pero yo los hice desistir del plan, a decirles que las tortugas pueden durar hasta tres d'as en nacer y que lo que mejor pod'amos hacer era dejar al nido en paz y permitirle a la naturaleza hacer su trabajo, quien mejor que ella para ser la partera de las tortuguitas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ1lEOJ35KA afleurs.net wellsww.com fukuyamajapan.com nhiconsulting.com videonymph.com an2003.com hiwayhifionline.com anitagrier.com cwauctions.com sonyworld.net femalegirdle.com lamisionera2.com

2 Ekim 2012 Salı

So You Want To Eat Clean?

My name is Sarah and I’m the author of My (Mostly) Healthy Life. I’ve been a big advocate of the paleo diet for the majority of this year (I’m still a “newbie”), and recently I’ve had a lot of questions about it. Most recently I’ve had people asking how to get started and how to get motivated to eat paleo (or be stricter about it if they already kind of have the concept). Whenever anyone asks me this, one of the first things I always say is that I’m not perfect, and I don’t eat paleo sometimes. Sometimes I cheat (aka McDonalds) but I always end up feeling like ass when I do. I make it very clear that there are many people much stricter about it than I am, but I can definitely give some helpful tips because of the research I’ve done on it. The next thing I always recommend is purchasing the book The Paleo Solution. I don’t think it’s good to dive into something when you’ve done zero research on it. Robb Wolf is the author of this book and he’s one of the leading experts on the paleo diet, and he knows EVERYTHING about it – I’m not even kidding. I can tweet him when I have a random question and he gets back to me every time… It’s unreal! He’s amazing. The book not only explains the paleo diet, but it also gives a meal plan for 4 weeks of meals that you can easily attempt (it includes leftovers so it’s not like you’re spending a million dollars making a new recipe for every meal you eat). I would highly, HIGHLY recommend reading this when you start on your paleo/eating clean journey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_3R6lpSLn0 analogism.net gibhardt.org escortia.org europehouse.org europehouse.net webhouseclub.org andmagazine.org shopwatch.org habessos.com afleurs.net

Lost Language Department – Up The Stairs

It’s been sort of a rough week for my head. It seems as though I’m not only losing my English but simultaneously sucking at Spanish. I guess the English started slipping over time and with such immersion, it’s only a matter of time before the grammar starts to go. According to my dad, my blogs are getting sloppier and sloppier. I now speak no language well. It’s been sort of a rough week for my head. It seems as though I’m not only losing my English but simultaneously sucking at Spanish. Canada flag, Photo by Sam Daams Last week when I spent the afternoon at an estancia with my job, assisting Canadian tourists, I could see how my English was exaggerated and forced. It seemed like I was subconsciously speaking with a slight Spanish accent. But why? I guess because the majority of the time that I hear English (not counting TV), it comes from a second language speaker. So over time, I’ve forgotten what English should actually sound like and naturally correct myself when a mistake is made. Basically, I spend all day in a Spanish speaking environment and either come home and continue in Spanish or don’t speak to anyone else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyyX-G4keUQ bigsexpass.com sportco.org wyldgirls.com girlsmood.com usagirls.org adultmania.org adultpartners.org 69adult.org teenhopeline.org vandersteen.org

Visit The Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Plant

At the urging of a couple books and online articles I’ve read in the past months, I finally started a Bucket List, or a list of things I want to do before I die. One of the reasons for starting this list was to re-energize; to remember that feeling of being a kid and wanting with abandon because it’s inspiring. There’s a certain amount of harm we cause ourselves always being grown up and tampering our desires with reality. That’s why most of us travel: to escape the everyday and feel like we’re checking off some of those things on our own Bucket Lists. In writing out my wants I started listing things like “Gift wrap my own presents” and “Learn how to bake better” and my energy was suddenly doused by feelings of mediocrity. “Climb a mountain” and “Own a house abroad” were things that belong on a bucket list; things to be accomplished. But handicrafts and adult ed suddenly struck me as terribly mundane, and worse, even silly. What kind of a person would I be if I let my aspirations go the way of a Home Economics class and not out somewhere in the Wild Beyond? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQcTwtDxDcY vocaltoys.com lesbenerotik.org pornstash.org pornstarteam.org dvdporno.org porn-bluray.com sexfordummies.org sexyshemales.org dublinsex.org sexusa.org vivaischia.com